PixelController – a matrix control project by Michael Vogt , (c) 2010-2013. The main goal of this application is to create an easy to use matrix controller software which creates stunning visuals!
I created this application to control the PixelInvaders panels.

Download the latest PixelController version from Google Code (Crossplattform).
The Source Code is released on GitHub – feel free to fork it!
Check out the rough Cut Video #1:
Check out the rough Cut Video #2:
A visual is a real-time generated animation and includes the following components:
- 1 Colorset: a defined color set
- 2 Generators: generates the image content
- 2 Effects: modifies the image content
- 1 Mixer: merges two image content
A visual can be assigned to one or multiple output panels, here are two examples:
PixelController facts:
- 45 Colorsets
- 15 Generators
- 12 Effects
- 11 Mixers
- 4 Faders
Supported control options:
- Integrated GUI
- OSC protocol
- MIDI (when using PureData)
If you have a question about PixelController, don’t hesitate to contact me at michu at pixelinvaders dot ch.
If you want to donate for PixelController – be my guest!